Christoph's GitHub Pages

Christoph Bamberg

Greetings and welcome to my webpage, I'm Christoph.
You can find an overview of my skills and experience here.
Please refer to my CV for details.


Scientific Outreach


  • Scientific programming using Python and R.
  • Analysis of behavioural data, EEG data and various physiological measures.
  • Some teaching (e.g. as a tutor for logic and scientific methods).



  • Playing Jazz guitar, organising jam-sessions.
  • Hiking along the rivers of Germany and mountains of Austria.
  • Improving my freestyle swimming technique.


  • New! I will try to collect some analyses and methods here that I found helpful.
  • A guide for multi-level correlation in R using STAN: I use simulated nested data to show the benefit of multi-level correlations and how these can be written in STAN.
  • DAG & Generative model. I made a Directed Acyclical Graph and wrote a generative model for a preregistration.
    I later used these models to simulate data from and hope that the workflow might be interesting for others too.
    Find the preregistration here: